Connector Newsletter July 2022
Message from the Chair/CEO, Julia Demkowski CMC®
Happy start of summer IMC USA! I hope you are all planning something fun this summer with friends and family. I want to give you a progress update on the One IMC USA initiative announced last June. As we roll out a new organizational structure, we will be announcing individual board members who will take on liaison positions with committees, a couple of new mission-driven committees, more opportunities to engage in easy-to-volunteer (ETV) sprints/projects, and new roles for committee members that create opportunities to collaborate with our impressive IMC members! These liaison positions are not committee chairs but will help facilitate communication between the committees and the national board. I expect, and commit, to share the complete details in the next newsletter. I would like to thank Lisa Apolinski for offering to help with communication! Our goal is to improve the quality and frequency of messaging going out to members. Stay tuned for an announcement on a new communication process for IMC USA. IMC USA’s affiliate member Omega Notes is up and running and the number of members on the platform continues to grow! Thanks to Jennifer Leake, Danny Brewer, and Andrew Lang for all the work you are doing to get this tool set up for our members. If you missed the recent meeting, a recording is stored on the platform. We will have more opportunities to help you get set up to use this new tool. So, what is our community board and how do you join? I am glad you asked! The IMC USA Community Board is hosted by Omega Notes. This new and exciting way for member interaction requires members to opt in to gain access to this member benefit. Not opted in yet? Click here, you will receive an email from the Community Board host (Omega Notes) with your username and temporary password, which can be changed by you if preferred. If you are already enrolled in the Community Board, click here. Have an idea for a community? Email your idea to [email protected] Please put November 18-20, 2022 on your calendar and help spread the word about IMC USA and our 2022 Conference! If you know other consultants who might want to know about the conference, the combo packages offer a fantastic opportunity to combine membership and the conference for a discounted price. Stay tuned for program information and combo packages. Click here to register and to see the conference program: I cannot wait to see all of you in Louisville!
There is still time to take advantage of Consult-Con 2022 registration savings. Discounted Registration is available through July 26th. Be among the first to register and maximize the value of your conference experience.
Consult-Con 2022 is loaded with educational opportunities that will boost you to the top of your field. Management consultants are invited to expand their knowledge and professional development practices through a carefully curated conference program.
Consult-Con 2022 will feature expert keynote speakers strategically selected for maximum engagement, education, and empowerment. You won’t want to forget your notebook and pen!
Consult-Con 2022 Opening Keynote Mark Leblanc (left) teaches consultants how to set themselves apart and accelerate results in his session, Never Be the Same, How Successful Consultants Grow Their Business. LeBlanc will share how one decision, one tool, and one strategy can change your game. You will learn what you need to know and what you need to do to create an “extreme sliver of focus,” by answering the million-dollar question.
Join us Saturday morning for an engaging keynote with Jane Cavalier (middle) titled, How Your Social Media Brand Can Elevate Your Business. In this session, Cavalier educates attendees on the best social media practices and tips to grow an online presence. Learn how to use social media and branding to your advantage and benefit your organization.
Learn How to Market Like a Rockstar with Craig Duswalt (right) at the Saturday Closing Keynote at Consult-Con 2022. Duswalt shares his personal experience touring with the rock musicians of Guns N’ Roses and how this experience, combined with his knowledge of marketing, has led him to ensured success. Duswalt is sure to light a fire in you with tips for implementing Saturday’s full day of learning into your practice in 2023 and beyond!
Be on the lookout for more announcements about keynote speakers in future messages!
With 6 concurrent breakouts to choose from, attendees will benefit from a variety of trending “How To” topics chosen by YOU, our members, via our recent survey. Learn best practices on getting in – or back in – the game with How to Start/ReStart Your Consulting Business! This workshop provides a process to match your experience and expertise to the right kinds of problems, projects, and clients. If you are a consultant that seeks to expand your credibility, impact, and clientele, then you should attend How to Get Your Book Published. Learn from experienced authors about the process of writing to successfully publish your book. How to Use Negotiation Strategies to Enhance Client Relationships will inform attendees on how negotiation applies to consultant/client relationships, the strategies to interpret your client’s wants and needs, and practical applications for maximizing value by creating a collaborative negotiation style. Learn about developing a personal brand and growing your community to become a well-known expert by attending How to Advance Your Status from Anonymous to Known: Create Your Brand Today for Exceptional Engagement Tomorrow. How to Produce Your Own Podcast/Audio and Video Live-streaming will educate attendees on creating a podcast as another channel to share their expertise and knowledge. It will also educate you on live-streaming with video…where, how & why! AND you’ll get some tips on looking your best, professionally delivering your message, and creating connectivity with your audience. In the session, How to Find, Create and Continually Refresh Strategy, you will examine different cases to explore how to help your clients determine the necessary strategy, create it, and use scenario planning to reexamine and refresh.
Special Thanks to our Sponsors and Supporters
Interested in being a Sponsor?
With a market reach of more than 30,000 management consultants, your company, products and services will receive great exposure and business development opportunities targeted to the consulting marketplace. Click here for details or contact Gregory Brooks at [email protected] or 561-420-4198. Limited availability - act now!
Welcome May - June New Members
- Steven Barnard, Northern California Chapter, Verdi, NV
- Nicholas Case, Eastern Region, Niagara Falls, NY
- Yvan Kevin, Eastern Region, Sarasota, FL
- Brianne Martin, Dallas-Fort Worth Chapter, Frisco, TX
- Ashley McCunniff, Central Region, Kansas City, MO
- Junzhe Zhang, Carolinas Chapter, Durham, NC
Member Stories: What IMC USA Means to Me
A series of stories by our members. Add your story here:
"IMC USA's networking and online programs have helped me think critically about how to advance my practice."
Ken Keefer, CCP, PMP of Keefer Consulting Inc. specializes in clinical trial information technology. Join IMC USA today and learn why values his membership:
Thinking about starting, growing and sustaining your practice? What better way than utilizing the resources and community IMC USA offers! If you are seeking to begin your practice, implement a proven competency framework, develop business, optimize performance, exceed client expectations and much more – it all starts with membership and personalized onboarding! Click here to get started today!
Management consulting is a $259B market with 875,000 consultants and 3-4% annual growth. If you are seeking greater exposure and business development opportunities within the management consulting marketplace, click here now!
Thank you to our affiliate members for supporting IMC USA!
Certified Management Consultant (CMC®)
CMC® Certification Committee and Volunteers
The size and effectiveness of the CMC® Certification Committee is strengthening thanks to new volunteers stepping up to serve as Oral Examination panelists.
We will be reminding our CMC® members, monthly, that qualified members are welcomed and encouraged to serve as Oral Examination panelists.
The CMC® Certification Committee is ready to promptly respond to new Candidate applicants and their vetted capability to advance our IMC credential:
1) The CMC® (Certified Management Consultant) certification is awarded by the IMC USA to consultants who have achieved a superior level of performance that includes:
2) Recertification is continuing with more CMC's renewing their credential ( Remember that if you received your CMC® Certificate prior to June 2012, please use the 2022 S Form and if you received your CMC® Certificate after June 2012 please use the 2022 L Form.
Thanks, again, for helping advance IMC's unique credential: the CMC® (Certified Management Consultant).
Gregory Lunde, CMC®-Emeritus IMCUSA CMC® Certification Committee Chair (562) 733-9119
The Certified Management Consultant® (CMC®) mark is awarded by IMC USA to consultants who have achieved a level of performance that includes professional standards in technical competency and ethics, and global standards in consulting competencies, professional behavior, client and project management, and personal conduct. Learn more today!
Professional Learning and Development
Our committee is updating the QuickStart curriculum to include workbooks for participants; we expect to offer this improved version in Fall 2022. And we are simultaneously updating the case study and the graphics for Mastering Management Consulting which will also be offered in Fall 2022. If you have questions, please contact Loraine Huchler, P.E., CMC®, FIMC, [email protected], 609-865-8151 (voice & text).
July 19, 2022, 2 PM ET, ZOOMCAST - Register Today!
Break Orbit: How Growth Igniters® Lead for Tomorrow Starting Today With Speaker, Author & Advisor Pam Harper
As the world is shifting in so many ways, faster than ever before, you and your clients have unprecedented opportunities to change the game and lead for tomorrow. There is also pressure to move at warp speed to stay on top, even as there are no clear signposts for the way ahead.
However, the employees, partners, and other stakeholders that you and your clients count on to bring these opportunities to life may be responding in “strange” ways to moving in a bold new direction clouded by ambiguity. Perhaps you've encountered issues including:
- unexpected resistance to your vision, strategy and plans
- toxic "elephants in the room"
- slow decisions
- mystifying low morale
- …and more!
Such disconnects as these can keep everyone stuck in the orbit of the status quo and vulnerable to disruption.
Register Today!
C2M Host Ken Lizotte CMC is Chief Imaginative Officer (CIO) of emerson consulting group inc., which transforms consultants and their firms into business thought leaders via published books, published articles, virtual speaking and other media. Active in IMC for over two decades, Ken has been Chair of Consult-Con 2020 and 2021, president of IMC New England and member of the IMC USA National Board. Author of eight books, Ken is a popular professional speaker and consultant. Visit his website or email [email protected]
Welcome new IMC USA Board Members!
Congratulations to our new directors and chair-elect! Our Nominations Committee has a deep understanding about the common gaps in candidates' readiness to serve as a director or officer. We are assisting with an update of Orientation Training for the IMC USA Board of Directors to improve the effectiveness of board members. If you have questions, please Loraine Huchler, P.E., CMC®, FIMC, [email protected], 609-865-8151 (voice & text).
Upcoming National & Chapter Events
IMC USA produces several programs each month. Please visit the online calendar to plan your participation. The majority of these programs are included with your membership! You may search by category and month.
The Women Consultants Group
Meets on Zoom – Join us Thursday, July 7th at 5 PM Eastern for our monthly discussion. The purpose of the Women Consultants Group is to highlight IMC USA women consultants and facilitate a community that supports the success of all. For more information or to attend the event, contact Jennifer Beever CMC®, MBA by email [email protected] or phone 818-347-4248.
There are 10 chapters throughout the United States that serve members on a local basis – including programming and networking. Please click here to determine the closest chapter to your vicinity.
What can feel cool during the hot dog days of summer? Share something cool with your peers. IMC USA Foundation, a legally separate 501(c)(3), is established to help improve management consulting practices through research and education of current and future management consultants. Lofty? Yes, and doable, so we ask for your help as a leader in the industry. Consider a tax-deductible gift now to help us educate consultants and support us as we sponsor two of our Young Professional Members for attendance at November’s Consult-Con. How about $100? For your profession. Giving feels cool, makes one feel good and is good. Thank you for your generosity.
You can help by going to and making a tax-deductible contribution to raise the level of awareness of ethics in consulting and to equip professionals to practice management consulting with the highest ethics and professionalism.