
        Connector Newsletter February 2022

Message from the Chair/CEO, Julia Demkowski CMC®




So, I know a guy. Nice guy. Smart guy. Honestly, I have all kinds of positive adjectives to use to describe him! He loves email and we exchange them often, in fact daily. Frequently, we have entire conversations in a short amount of time via email. It is how we stay connected. There are times I get his text that says – “sent you an email!”

I freely admit living on my computer, and I am addicted to my phone. Like many others, I get a physical reaction when I hear that special sound telling me I have a message. It could be a text, email, or notification from an app installed on my phone, even when my phone is on the charger. I have that reflex-like pull to go “see” what I may be missing! Why did they ever invent a phone that could have email on it? Email is constantly in front of me. I am drowning in a sea of over-communication. I keep trying to kick the habit. So far, I have failed! Perhaps my husband really is the smarter of the two of us as he refuses to say goodbye to his flip phone! “Email is for the computer and needs to stay there”, he says.

What have we become? We are living in a world of instant gratification. It is exhausting and a never-ending distraction. Email should be an enhancement to communication. It should not be a replacement of human to human verbal communication, which allows us to hear voice tones and recognize when the other person is not understanding our intent or question. Also, a real conversation is much shorter than a delayed stream of back and forth texts. I won’t even mention the dreaded “reply all” problem we all run across! Email has become something we have to manage. I even attended a class “Managing Your Inbox” after a colleague saw the number of emails in my inbox on a screenshare! That’s a pitfall of Zoom. Gone are the days of dialing a number to have a two-way conversation. At least Zoom allows us the verbal and visual cues we do not get from email. 

My rant is over, thanks for listening! So, what does this mean for IMC USA?

We need help! If you feel you are receiving too many emails from IMC USA or improving communications is a specialty of yours, please consider leading or participating on a Communications Sprint Team to address this situation.

Our Association is no different than any other organization that has folks spread across different time zones and continents. We have a lot of information to share with members about IMC USA affairs, such as certification, communities, professional learning, membership, programs, new affiliate memberships, membership benefits, chapter programming, committee communications, and more. You get the picture. Unfortunately, the number of emails going out will cause some members to opt out of receiving any email messages, which means they will also miss the really important announcements. 

The question is: what can we do to make communication with our members more efficient? How do we communicate? One new member communication tool you have been hearing about will launch soon Omega Notes. Our hope is that will help. But what else can we do?

It is 2022, we can figure this out! I just know we can figure it out together! If you are interested in participating on this communication sprint team, please email Gregory Brooks at [email protected].

Welcome December - January New Members!

  • Joshua Bohlke, Northwest, Oregon & Washington, Pasco, Washington 
  • Jeff Mays, Northwest, Oregon & Washington, Vancouver, Washington
  • Irving Allen, National Capital Region, Blacksburg, Virginia       
  • Kieron Marks, Philadelphia, Downingtown, Pennsylvania        
  • George Grigorakos, Chicagoland, Skokie, Illinois      
  • Melissa Blair, At-Large, Mukwonago, Wisconsin                         

Member Stories: What IMC USA Means To Me

A series of stories by our members. Add your story here:

Great feedback on the Certified Management Consultant® designation from David Norman, CMC of David Norman & Associates: "Separate yourself from the masses and demonstrate adherence to highest levels of the industry.Learn more about earning your CMC®.

David's organization specializes in taking closely held organizations from start-up, through success to significance with full accountability and performance. He has been a member of IMC USA since 1988 and holds Certified Management Consultant® and Certified Business Manager designations


David Norman CMC®, FIMC
David Norman & Associates


Building Relationships with our Omega Notes Community Platform – Invitation Email

A key focus for 2022 is to help members connect with each other and strengthen relationships. IMC USA will have some introductory webinars on creating your profile and joining Omega Notes communities. Questions? Email: [email protected]

Welcome to our Affiliate Partners

The following companies have partnered with IMC USA to offer resources to our members.  Each partner will offer 4 sessions during the year to help you better understand their services and how they can benefit you and your consulting practice. Watch for more information to come.

Cultivating Sales
Melissa Blair

Expert Click
Mitchell Davis

Jeff Hunt

Omega Notes
Andrew Lang

Soren Kaplan

Exciting News From Professional Learning and Development 

The Certified Management Consultant® (CMC®) mark is awarded by IMC USA to consultants who have achieved a level of performance that includes professional standards in technical competency and ethics, and global standards in consulting competencies, professional behavior, client and project management, and personal conduct. Learn more today!

Are you new to consulting? Our QuickStart program provides a customized experience to help you define your consulting practice and includes a workbook with exercises  followed by a live seminar to get feedback from experienced consultants and your peers!

  • Episode 1 - Consultant Preparedness
  • Episode 2 - The Business of Consulting 
  • Episode 3 - Handling back-room operations

Each episode starts with a 30-minute recorded session to help attendees complete the corresponding workbook exercises. During the following week, there will be a 90-minute live seminar for each of the three episodes. All registrants will be invited to join an IMC USA Special Interest Group, facilitated by experienced consultants, to kick start your consulting practice!

If you are interested in attending the QuickStart program, please email Loraine Huchler, Chair, Professional Learning and Development ([email protected]). We will survey all respondents to select the best time to conduct the live sessions. We expect to have pricing and more information about the curriculum in early February; the program will launch in March for six weeks.

Are you an early-stage consultant? Do you want to improve your skills – and your confidence in your consulting practice? We are updating our most-highly-rated educational program, owned by IMC USA, “Mastering Management Consulting (MMC).” Experienced consultants teach the fundamentals of management consulting based on the IMC USA Competency Framework in a seminar-style format. The upgrade includes a new case study and updated participants’ workbooks, instructors’ guidebooks for each topic, and associated PowerPoint slides. Participating “live” in these 16 sessions, offered every other week, is the best way to gain skills and peers.

If you are interested in attending the MMC program, please email Loraine Huchler, Chair, Professional Learning and Development ([email protected]). We expect to have pricing and more information about the curriculum in early February; the program will launch in March.

NEW: Industry and Business Trends, Emerging Technologies. Management consultants can better serve their clients if they have a broad overview of industry and business trends and emerging technologies. We will begin our offerings in April with a seminar series about Unconscious Bias and other aspects of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.

Want to help? If you have experience in creating or evaluating curriculum for adult learners, delivering management consulting training, are a subject-matter expert in one or more consulting competencies or just interested in a new challenge – we have a place for you.

Questions? Please contact Loraine Huchler, P.E., CMC®, FIMC, Chair, IMC USA Professional Learning and Development, [email protected], 609-865-8151 (cell), 757-442-5308.

Certified Management Consultant (CMC®)

By Certification Committee Chair, Gregory Lunde, CMC® Emeritus

Currently, I am filling in for Carl Potter, CMC® Certification Chair, who recently stepped aside while reevaluating his business goals and commitments. We want to thank Carl for his dedication, leadership, and service while chairing the CMC® Certification position.

As your interim CMC® Certification Chair, I will be preparing a succession plan for the CMC® Certification Chair that concentrates on:

  • identifying and working with CMC Certification Committee members who will be available to serve as exam panelists.
  • advancing mentoring and “how to” programs such as Mastering Management Consulting (MMC) with a roadmap to certification; and
  • preparing for and conducting CMC Oral Examinations (review orientation and examination questions that serve as guidelines for exam panelists).

Let’s keep in mind that “CMC®” is our core IMC business product and marketing identification. Thank you for this opportunity and I look forward to building a volunteer team of CMC® Certification Committee members who are enthusiastic about promoting our CMC® appellation.

Congratulations to Dr. Tom Hayashi, CMC® for earning the Certified Management Consultant® designation recognized globally.

The Certified Management Consultant® (CMC®) mark is awarded by IMC USA to consultants who have achieved a level of performance that includes professional standards in technical competency and ethics, and global standards in consulting competencies, professional behavior, client and project management, and personal conduct. Learn more today!

Recognition & Awards

Do You Know Someone Who Deserves to Be Recognized?

Recognizing our colleagues is an important aspect of being a member of the Institute of Management Consultants USA. IMC USA has several ways to acknowledge the extraordinary contributions of its members, including the FIMC (Fellow of the Institute of Management Consultants USA) and the Lifetime Achievement Award. If you would like to sponsor a colleague for either of these prestigious awards, please review the requirements on the IMC USA website. There, you will also find other awards for which your fellow members may qualify. It’s not too early to begin the application process; it often takes longer than you might expect to collect all the signatures required for submission of the application. Also, please be sure to make your intention known by contacting the IMC USA office so that we on the Recognition and Awards Committee will be expecting the application. 

It is always a gratifying experience to see a deserving colleague recognized as the result of your efforts. Please consider taking the time and making the effort to sponsor a colleague for either the FIMC or the LAA. If you have any questions, you may call or email Joyce Gioia [joy-yah], Chair of the Recognition and Awards Committee at [email protected] or 336-210-3548.


My answer:

  • Expand your perspective. Leadership often takes you outside of your comfort zone, giving you an opportunity to work with new challenges, people, politics and interpersonal dynamics. You gain new perspective on priorities by learning what matters to other consultants. Hanging out with consultants that have different life experiences encourages you to tackle challenges from different angles and learning new skills. You realize that the world is a much bigger, richer place that you imagined.
  • Hone your influence. Hmm. Leaders have power – and frankly, there is a benefit to power. Do you understand your leadership style? Here’s an opportunity to practice your leadership and hone your effectiveness in influencing others. Being a volunteer leader levels the playing field. Will people still follow if they don’t have to? How must you show up differently to make that happen?
  • Gain the freedom to experiment. Here’s a safer way, outside of your business world, to take risks at work. There’s an opportunity to experiment and try new things.

  • Build a larger network. Who couldn’t use a larger network? At IMC USA, you’ll be hanging out with a crowd of folks with diverse experience and expertise; different leadership styles and different perspectives. It’s an incredible opportunity to broaden your understanding of issues – and gain a strategic view of your own expertise.

Service as a leader changes you. Most importantly, it changes your WIIFM to WIIFTO: What’s in it for the Organization? Making a difference within an organization is a win-win: WIIFM to WIIFTO. 

Please consider nominating yourself or an IMC USA Member for the National Board. Here are some attributes of successful candidates for the IMC USA Board of Directors.

  • Commitment to the goals of IMC USA
  • Willingness to invest time and energy to serve
  • Understanding of the role and responsibilities as a board member: governance of the organization and executing on board-approved projects and initiatives
  • Good communication skills
  • Sound judgment and integrity

We encourage both professional and certified members to consider serving. The IMC USA by-laws require a majority of certified members on the Board of Directors; therefore, we especially encourage certified members to serve so we can maximize the number of qualified, non-certified members who can be placed on the ballot. 

Please submit nominations to the IMC USA Executive Director, Gregory Brooks, at [email protected]

  • February 18, 2022: Nominations close at 5 pm EST.
  • February 21, 2022: Completed questionnaires are due no later than 5 pm EST.
  • February 28 - March 21, 2022: Interviews of qualified candidates and their references
  • NLT April 1, 2022: Announcement of Slate

Questions? Please contact Loraine Huchler, P.E., CMC®, FIMC, Chair, IMC USA Nominating Committee, [email protected], 609-865-8151 (cell), 757-442-5308 (office).

C2M Live! webinars are facilitated discussions where consultants learn, connect, and grow their consulting practice.

Our next C2M Live! Zoomcast on February 18, 2022, 2-3 PM ET is titled "Selling Above the Lines: How Sales Differentiation, a Customer-Focused Sales Lens and Other Innovative Tools Can Win Us More Business and Higher Fees."

When engaged in sales, we consultants, like any other sales reps in other industries, face fierce competition today in the pursuit of winning great deals. As differences in service features and functions get slimmer by the minute, they become less meaningful and attractive to buyers. So how can we stand out from the competitive pack and not only win new accounts but at prices that will make us and our clients happy? Two knowledgeable sales thought leaders will show us the way. Hosted by Ken Lizotte CMC®

C2M Live is a value added benefit included in membership. Not a member? Please attend C2M Live for a modest fee of only $49 per session.

More in Information and/or Register Today

Upcoming National & Chapter Events

IMC USA produces several programs each month. Please visit the online calendar to plan your participation. The majority of these programs are included with your membership! You may search by category and month.

The Women Consultants Group

Meets on Zoom – Join us Thursday, February 3, at 5 PM Eastern for our monthly discussion. The purpose of the Women Consultants Group is to highlight IMC USA women consultants and facilitate a community that supports the success of all. For more information or to attend the event, contact Jennifer Beever CMC®, MBA by email [email protected] or phone 818-347-4248.


By Ed Potter, CAE
Chair, IMC USA Nonprofit Consultants Network

Mark your calendars for the upcoming Nonprofit Consultant Network events:

Sponsored by the Nonprofit Consultants Network of the Institute of Management Consultants USA

Nonprofit Strategic Planning: Balancing Impact and Selling for Consultants
Wednesday, February 16, 2022, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM EST


Strategic planning is always in demand from nonprofit clients. But it can be a tricky service to deliver and sell. Gary Romano of Civitas Strategies and Gregory Nielsen of Nielsen Training and Consulting will share their experience in generating and delivering strategic planning services. Specifically, attendees will learn the key points of value for strategic planning projects to ensure you have an impact with clients as well as best approaches for selling this key service.

The Nonprofit Consultants Network Steering Committee has vacancies!  We’re looking for IMC USA member leaders with a nonprofit consultant focus and/or nonprofit consulting experience to help plan our programs over the coming year. Time commitments are 3-4 online meetings a year with some of the best minds in the business! Strengthen your network while giving back to the nonprofit consulting profession by sending us an expression of interest with your CV or Website address to [email protected].   

To sign up for the IMC USA Nonprofit Consultants Network mailing list, send your name, email address, and organization to [email protected]


There are 10 chapters throughout the United States that serve members on a local basis – including programming and networking. Please click here to determine the closest chapter to your vicinity.