Report an Ethics Violation

IMC USA considers a breach of the Code of Ethics a serious matter and asks that any violations be reported to the Ethics Committee. All allegations will be handled quickly through a explicitly defined procedure for enforcement with confidentiality and due process.

The Institute enforces the Code by investigating complaints of violations and by taking disciplinary action against any member who is found guilty of a Code violation. Consequences include censure, revocation of certification or expulsion from the organization. To ask about the conduct of a consulting professional, send a confidential email.

To report a suspected violation by an IMC USA member of the Code of Ethics, please complete this form. In keeping with our own adherence to the highest ethical standards, all allegations are treated confidentially. Both your name and the names of all persons and companies you identify in the allegation remain confidential. You will be contacted by a member of the IMC USA Ethics Committee within two weeks after submitting this allegation. At that time, you will have an opportunity to provide additional information.